Cogelec® innove avec ses marques Intratone® , Hexact®, Kibolt®, ROZOH®

Valérie MORIO

Head of Marketing and Communication

Valérie Morio is Head of Marketing & Communication. She joined COGELEC in March 2009 to structure sales activities and marketing.
At the end of 2011, she assumed exclusive responsibility for Communication and Marketing as well as sales activities of Key accounts for the Hexact brand, and the industrial partnerships signed by COGELEC.
Her duties were then expanded to include a legal aspect, updating the contractual portion of customer relations - including the subscription portion of the Management Services of intercoms.
Lastly, in early 2018, she took charge of the launch of the Kibolt brand. She previously worked as a field Sales Representative for large scale distribution for the DISTRIBORG and GENERAL MILLS groups, then between 2003 and 2008 for QUIES (earplugs) as Head of Key Accounts where she managed business relations for health and beauty store networks, wholesale distributors in pharmacies and for retailers such as LECLERC, INTERMARCHE or AUCHAN.
Valérie Morio holds a DUT [technical degree] in commerce/marketing and a Masters in Management Science from the University of Every Val d'Essonne.

